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Imre Maltzahn


Imre Maltzahn

Having trained as an artist at the Ruskin School of Fine Art  between 1960 and 1963, when the school was based in the Ashmolean Museum.

Imre Maltzahn was introduced to early Greek and Roman portrait sculpture. Life drawing was of course the basic skill taught to enable him to draw ancient sculpture, a passion which never left him.

He worked for Christies for a short period and in 1966 opened a gallery (Maltzahn Gallery) in Cork Street, London. The gallery specialised in prints and drawings of all periods and was also at the centre of selling 'pop art' then at the height of its' development.

Although the gallery closed in 1976 he continued to keep his 'eye' in by constant study of the Masters and took up drawing and watercolours  again seriously in 2016 going back to his roots in the Ashmolean cast gallery as well as exercising draughtsmanship in the weekly sessions in the Jam Factory.

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