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Jennifer Byrne

'Bluebell Woods 1.'

Ink and watercolour


I came to live in Oxford in 2016 and have participated in Artweeks from 2017 to current day. I was delighted and honoured to be awarded the Mary Moser prize in 2018. I cannot underestimate the benefits of Oxfordshire Artweeks for all involved. For the practitioner it is a fully accessible, non-competitive and democratic arena for all, from those who practice their art as a part-time hobby to the full-time professional. It has helped many artists to build their reputation and I count myself among them. Exhibiting on Osney Island enabled me to join a group of artists with the loyal support of the local community. This year will be. My first Artweeks event since moving to Charlbury, where I’m looking forward to opening my studio to new people in the area as well as many old friends who visit me every year. The festival is a highly popular and much anticipated annual event, much missed whilst the Covid restrictions were in place. Let’s hope this 40th anniversary year it springs back better than ever.

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